SIG provides various form of high quality gas service and analysis service. Analysis Service SIG provide service in perform gas analysis and Testing. Our Laboratory is designed to suit various gases
quantitative checking to achieve total customer satisfaction. We have analyzers from Teledyne and
customized Gas Chromatography from Perkin Elmer to perform the test of impurities in pure gases and
accurately of specialty gas. Analyzer-Detector | Description | Measure Components | Gas chromatography- Flame Ionize Detector (FID) | - An Hydrocarbon analytical system - 1ppm minimumdetection where component detection limit are based upon individual component without interference from adjacent peaks | -C1 to C5 in ppm or in % level in various gases | Gas chromatography- Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) | - A mixtures analytical system - Minimum detection is 0.5%where component detection limit are based upon individual component without interference from adjacent peaks | -H2, O2, Ar, He, N2, CH4, Co and CO2 in % level. | Gas chromatography- Discharge Ionization Detector(DID) | - A Luminescence analytical system | - H2, Ar/O2, N2, CH4, CO and CO2 in ppm Level | Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer (THC)- Flame Ionize Detector (FID) | -An continuous analytical system using FID. -Minimum detection limit is 0.1ppm | -Total hydrocarbon (THC) in ppm level in various gases. | Trace oxygen analyzer(electrochemical sensor) | -Portable analyzer -Online analyzer -Perform onsite product quality assurance service | -O2 impurity of pure gases and gas mixtures in ppm level | Dew point moisture meter (SADP-P)&Dew point moisture meter (8800-P) | -A portable unit designed moisture meter -Perform onsite product quality assurance service. | - moisture in dew point temperature and ppm | Percentage Oxygen analyzer (paramagnetic)- | -An continuous analytical analyzer | - O2 % in gas mixtures from 0.01% to 25%. | Percentage Oxygen Analyzer (Electrochemical sensor)- | -An portable % O2 analyzer. -Perform onsite product quality assurance service. | - O2 % in gas mixtures from 0.01% to 25% | Thermal Conductivity Detector Analyzer (TCD) | -A mixtures analyzer - -Detection limit is 0.1% - 30%. -Accuracy of dual gas mixture ±5% | -H2 in Ar/N2, -O2 in Ar/N2, -CO2 in Ar/N2, -He in Ar/N2, -N2 in Ar -Ar in N2 in % level. |